Cock 'n Bull Cherry Ginger Beer
/Why wouldn’t you pick up “The Extra Cherry Ginger Soft Drink”? The bottle even has a cartoon bull and chicken on it for the kids. For labeling purposes technically it’s Cock ‘n Bull Cherry Ginger Beer. According to the label this beverage is a “liquid treasure” that contains “natural ginger flavor” and “natural cherry flavor”.
A glance at the ingredients shows that there are “natural flavors” but doesn’t really specify how they are obtained. I’ve always said that if a bottle says “natural cherry flavor” on it, yet the ingredients don’t include “cherry anything” to be skeptical. I’m sure they aren’t lying, but they aren’t telling the full truth either.
Cock 'n Bull 'n Hippo
That said I must give them some recognition for being the first cherry ginger beer that actually has a cherry smell to it. Most are so lightly flavored with cherry your olfactory glands have to broaden their imagination to even being to detect the scent.
Very nice. The cherry taste is noticeable, but doesn’t get in the way of the ginger beer. It’s a fairly candied cherry taste, but honestly it makes the drink more fun.
It’s within the front and finish of the drink… I like that terminology pairing so I’m going to rewrite the sentence. The front and finish of Cock ‘n Bull Cherry Ginger Beer is where you get your cherry taste. Sandwiched in the middle is gonna be your Ginger Spice. As a child this was my favorite of the spice girls, but as I grew up I started leaning more toward Scary.
Ginger does it’s job, giving my mouth a quick sizzle that’s strong enough to linger long enough to be memorable. This seer of the tongue lasts well into the final cherry aftertaste, culminating in a well paired “Buddy Cop Flick” of flavors.
The biggest downside to Cock ‘n Bull Cherry Ginger Beer is that the cherry flavor tastes a bit more medicinal with each sip I take. It doesn’t make me dislike the soda, but it certainly diminishes some of its initial charm. Aside from that though it’s definitely something I’d recommend. In fact I’ll do that right now.
This was purchased at World Market