Bedford's Ginger Beer
/Two things ring true today. I have a headache and the bottle in front of me has more Olde English font on it than I’ve ever seen. The font reads Bedford’s Ginger Beer as well as “robust flavor” and “Port Angeles Washington since 1984”. There’s not a world where “robust flavor” ever needs to be in an olde English font.
I'm starting to think my reviews are getting poor due to lack of mascot.
Bedford’s Ginger Beer has cane sugar as it’s sweetener and “Natural Ginger Flavor” as its flavor maker. If I can’t buy a “Flavor Maker” online the world has failed me. I don’t care what a “flavor maker” does, but it needs to exist.
Well the good news is that it smells like a Ginger Beer. The bad news is that it smells a little like a household cleaner, but not enough that I’m scared to try it.
Pretty decent taste with this one and a considerable burn. The front end is pretty refreshing, a nice cool treat even. There’s a slight ginger taste for a split second then the fire roars to life and takes the life of the refreshment.
Strangely enough the fire is fairly non-descript in flavor and just causes an overall burn of the mouth. One that lasts well after the soda has been consumed. I say all this because normally this burn has a ginger sensation to it, but this time it’s absent.
Wait… why do the ingredients say “Natural Ginger Flavor”, but don’t mention any actual ginger? Is that why the burn lacks in substance? How does one make a natural ginger flavor without ginger? I really need to stop before I head down this rabbit hole because I’ll go crazy.
Man, this has been a pretty sorry review so I’ll try to make these last few sentences concise.
Bedford’s Ginger Beer is an ok beverage and a slightly above average ginger beer. The flavor profile is alright, but nothing to write home about… as evidenced by my lack of good review.
Sigh, if the first half experience of this soda was bottled it’d be good then boring, so I’m glad they spiced it up with some burning action. Sadly the burning action takes away any memory I had of the intro words words words.
You see what happened there, I disliked this review so much I stopped it for no reason.
I bought this at a Shell Gas Station