Popcast 32 - Cascal Light Red

Buckle up as we learn together that today's drink has the added bonus of fermentation!  Maybe it won't be as horrible as it sounds.  Only one way to find out!  Along with that little adventure we have a fantastic list of news, including a new challenger to the Bottle Top, actual marijuana soda, and a combination soda cup/chicken container.  All that plus your comments!  Hope you enjoy it more than drinking a soda that had some chicken fall into it.  Thanks to Polarity Failure for the music (http://www.myspace.com/bassbyjames/)

Popcast Episode 32

Popcast 10 - Peardrax

Somehow we made it to a tenth episode of our Popcast, and we celebrate by trying to poison ourselves with a substance known as "Peardrax."  In fact the whole thing is very hazy now trying to look back on it.  I'll blame it on the nail polish remover, I mean Peardrax.  Consider that a sneak preview.  The news was slightly more exciting this week:  Coke tries to imply diet soda is "heart healthy," Pepsi v. Coke in the war of being nice, Sprite still exists and Coke would like you to know that, good news for Waialua, Mary Jane moves to Cali, and how a man and his son started brewing their own sodas for their own shop.  Hope you enjoy it more than...Peardrax.  Thanks to Polarity Failure for the music (http://www.myspace.com/bassbyjames/).

Popcast Episode 10

Popcast 02 - Jarritos Tamarindo & Sidral Mundet

We return for another episode of the Popcast.  Following up the wonder that was a soda based off of a meat replacement product, we move on to something still unfamiliar but without salt:  Jarritos Tamarindo.  Much more familiar (or is it?) is Sidral Mundet, an apple soda.  In the news we discuss a new method of starting up a beverage business, a Whole Foods exclusive soda, floating around the world on recycled bottles, Coke "teaming up" with the AAFP, kids swallowing soda tabs, Coke in Avatar and fending off robbers with soda.  Hope you enjoy it more than a watered down glass of apple soda.  Check out www.datassette.net for more of the music

Popcast Episode 2

Popcast 01 - Doc Zola & Jones Tofurky & Gravy

Join us, won't you, for the premier episode of The Popcast from the folks at www.thesodajerks.net.  Today we do two taste tests, one a spicy treat the other ... well, it may or may not go well with mashed potatoes, but we test it with them for your benefit!  Also in the news: Costco and Coke fight, Coke takes over food courts, soda getting taxed, Cheerwine spreading northeast, the Bottle Top gets tested and copious amounts of orange soda on Interstate 80.  Hope you enjoy it more than a soda with salt as a primary ingredient.  Check out www.datassette.net for more of the music.

Popcast Episode 1