Popcast 19 - Dewmocracy 2010

Hey, 19!  Oh, yuck, did I just reference Steely Dan?  Excuse me...  Sorry, now that I'm done being sick we can move on to today's order of business:  politics.  Well, soda politics.  It's time for Mountain Dew's annual Dewmocracy campaign where you can decide which flavor out of three becomes a new flavor of Mountain Dew.  This year we have three candidates.  Will any of them be a winner or will we choose "none of the above" ?  Find out by listening, and then do what we tell you to!  We do have news this week as well, with such exciting stories as Hansen doing poorly, Dr. Pepper doing well, Hall of Fame beverages doing well, and Jones doing well as well by getting their products in a grocery chain.  Yeah, slow news week.  Still, we hope you enjoy it more than a soda that tastes like Steely Dan sounds.  Thanks to Polarity Failure for the music (http://www.myspace.com/bassbyjames/).

Popcast Episode 19