Gamer Citrus


Hey, remember when we did that show, and we talked about Gamer Soda?  Well, here's more!  This, I'm going to assume, is the citrus flavor.  It is not labeled, but I figure the grape is purple and the orange is orange.  So we'll call this citrus.  The drink, like all Gamer Sodas, is clear.

As a reminder, Gamer Soda is a lightly carbonated soda with pure cane sugar and B vitamins to I guess enhance your game-related staying power.  The cherry, which we had before, was crisp, and while you wouldn't think that would work for a cherry, it did, being a nice change of pace.  With citrus, though, that crispness would go perfectly.

Sadly, I have to say, the flavor is quite dull, almost like Diet Sprite, but sweet-er than a diet soda.  Actually it also reminds me of those generic lime seltzer waters you can get for like 50 cents a liter.  If you're looking for crisp, though, this is for you, just not flavorful or sweet enough for me.

We have some other flavors to try in this line, so stay tuned!


(Note:  This beverage was provided to us by Gamer Soda)