Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda


I'm not going to create some build-up for the inevitable, so here it is: it's good.

This is the first soda I've had that tastes like it came straight from a fountain, that's how perfect a level of black cherry syrup this has in it. I can also tell why it's called a cream soda and not just straight black cherry soda, because this is creamy and not crisp like you would expect something so sweet to be.

I might as well mention as well, just like their greatest root beer in the world, it uses all natural ingredients.

I really don't know what more to say about this one. If you like black cherry, this is it right here. Black cherry syrup, carbonation. There you go.

Oh, and per their instructions on the bottle I did not put this over ice at any point.


Cricket Green Tea Cola


This had to be one of the most aesthetically pleasing packages I've seen, which is honestly part of the reason I picked it up. That and I actually wanted to enjoy the beverage of choice this week so I played it safe with cola.

My theory was correct as I found another winner. The box exclaimed "Cane Sugar. Kola Nut. Green Tea." How could this not be good? In fact, it also stated "Expect this to be good." Sold.

This cola, in comparison to the ginseng cola I reviewed not too long ago, is more of a Coca-Cola rather than an RC, which is okay, although between those two I'd prefer RC. It's hard to explain but there's almost a lemon-tea flavor going on in the background. I guess that should be easy to notice considering lemon cola exists, but honestly I think it's just the crispness of the cane sugar along with the subtle green tea in the background. Green tea is the third ingredient, even above that "less than .5%" of kola nut, so this is more of a green tea soda than a cola, so you will taste it. Being a green tea fan, that's a very good thing.

Whatever it's boiled down to, it's delicious. Easily as good as ginseng cola, but quite different.


Natural Brew: Ginseng Cola


I'll get right to it, this is delicious. A really good, smooth, crisp cola. The closest thing I can compare it to is RC, but much lighter, less carbonated, much more refreshing. Lots of adjectives for this cola I guess

Of course the gimmick here is ginseng. Honestly I don't feel any of ginseng's benefits by drinking this, but then again I never have with anything else either, at least not to my knowledge. The other bonus ingredient that you're not going to find in a normal cola is bourbon vanilla. The flavor is evident, but not overpowering, just enough to give you the essence along with the cola flavor.

I'm not sure if there are any spices in this, but there is quite the hint of spices in this cola.

Overall very good, I really don't know what to say yet there's so much to say about it. Worth a try, not an everyday purchase but worth it for now and then running about about five bucks for four 12oz. bottles.
