MTN Dew Zero Sugar

MTN Dew Zero Sugar

I normally avoid diet or zero sugar sodas because they aren’t something I’d drink on my own.  The more I think about it though, the less sense it makes. They are only getting more popular and tasting more and more like “the real thing”.  The one energy drink I consume is a zero sugar beverage so instead of fighting the sucralose wave I might as well attempt to surf it. As I paddle my board out there I see today’s offering, Mtn Dew Zero Sugar.

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Virgil’s Zero Sugar Lemon Lime

Virgil’s Zero Sugar Lemon Lime

I don’t usually focus on sugar free sodas, but I’ll review any soda handed to me… eventually. This can of Virgil’s Zero Sugar Lemon Lime was handed to me a few months ago, but its time to shine (hopefully) is now. For those of you unfamiliar with the Virgil’s Zero Sugar line let me break it down. Virgil’s has a line of Zero Sugar sodas…. OH! They’re also All-Natural. That’s pretty much it. Last time I had the Root Beer and was very impressed with what I tasted. Today is Lemon Lime. Lemon Lime is a flavor that lends itself a bit better than root beer to being sugar free, so I’m hopeful for what’s ahead.

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Virgil's Zero Sugar Root Beer

Virgil's Zero Sugar Root Beer

I don’t really want to write this review because I’m afraid I won’t like the soda. There have been several sodas over the last 10 years that I didn’t think I’d like, but that never really bothered me until now. The soda in front of me is Virgil’s Zero Sugar Root Beer.

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