Hot Lips Black Raspberry Soda

   Today’s installment is for Hot Lips Black Raspberry Soda.  We’ve reviewed a couple of Hot Lips sodas before.  One was the delightful Pear Soda, and the other was the less delightful Strawberry.  I say less delightful because the lemon juice was overpowering in the flavor of the Strawberry soda. 

   Since I really enjoy the ingredient list on the side of Hot Lips brand soda I will list it here.

Carbonated Water, Black Raspberries grown in Willamette Valley, OR, Can Sugar, Organic Lemon Juice

   As I push my nose closer to the opening of the bottle I notice that the beverage has a light, but healthy raspberry smell.  I really enjoy raspberries, as previously stated, so I now look forward to what I’m about to experience.

   Upon initial taste I notice very little carbonation, and have to remind myself that the bottle lists this beverage as “lightly carbonated”.  There is a slight raspberry tartness to it, as well as a noticeable sweetness.  Thankfully the sweetness is not overpowering, allowing the natural flavor of the berry to be tasted.  Fortunately for this beverage, the lemon juice listed on the ingredients does not overpower, unlike its strawberry counterpart.  I just got a black raspberry seed lodged in my tooth.  Normally I wouldn’t like this sensation, but in this case you know the Hot Lips Company is serious when they write that their sodas are made of natural ingredients.  While I wouldn’t reach for this beverage to be refreshed, it does a fairly good job of quenching a thirst.  (Sound like Déjà vu?) I would have to suggest that it be enjoyed by itself, as I personally don’t think its natural flavor would play well with others.  Much like the strawberry, this beverage is for a select audience, but if I saw it listed at a restaurant I would order it off the menu just to impress those that I’m with.  For those who think soda is bad for you… pick up any Hot Lips soda to be proven wrong.

Hot Lips Black Raspberry.JPG

Twist thinks he has "hot lips"... just play along

(Note:  This beverage was provided to us by Hot Lips)

Virgil's Orange Cream Soda

  TheSodaJerks love of Virgil's brand soda is well documented on this site.  Virgil's Real Cola is the highest rated soda on the site, and Virgil's Root Beer is what gave us the idea to start the site.  Anytime I go into a grocery store I look for a label with "god giving soda to kids" as my counterpart would say.  I'm sure that's not what the label is, but it's more fun to pretend. 

  I must apologize to Virgil's for taking so long on this review.  Back when Virgil's Orange Cream Soda was first released it was sadly not in our area, it still isn't from what I see.  Virgil's sent us a package of it for review, and we initially were going to give it the treatment of a king.  That is to say we were going to do a pod cast about it.  Well life happened, and schedules never matched up, and I moved...needless to say the pod cast never happened.  Now that I'm settled I felt it was time to review Virgil's Orange Cream Soda.  This review will be a bit different as I've tasted this before.  In fact I've had several of them, it was only through the strongest of will that I was able to keep 1 or 2 for review purposes.  I can say that throughout all the bottles my opinion stays the same.  So here I go, opening a bottle, enjoying the orange-cream aroma, and taking a sip.

   The initial taste is a nice orange flavor, as it should be.  The finish of this soda is a smooth cream, again as it shoud be.  The transition between the two flavors is a bit awkward though.  It's like your taste buds can't decide if they should stick with the citrus orange, or move on to the smooth cream.  When my fiancée tried it she said it tasted like it was missing one thing that kept it from being awesome.  I believe it's that transition of flavors that caused her to birth that remark.  My father, and stepmother gave it a two word review "ummmmmmh YUK".  The only reason I mention both of those is that I want this to be an awesome drink.  This should be rocking my world right now, and while it's above average, my world is not rocked.  I feel that I unfairly hold Virgil's to a higher standard than most sodas.  Their product always has great ingredients, with a good flavor all around, and ample carbonation.  Virgil's Orange Cream Soda is excellent, but you can taste that something is missing, and that's where I must detract.


Better resolution + Marilyn Monroe + Virgil's Orange CreamSoda = Happy Twist

(Note:  This beverage was provided to us by Reed's)

Hot Lips Strawberry Soda

   Hot Lips is a soda brand from the Pacific Northwest... it’s not available down here in Houston.In fact the ingredients listed on my Strawberry Soda are as follows:

Carbonated Water, Strawberries grown in the Pacific Northwest, cane sugar, and organic lemon juice.

   That’s an impressive list of ingredients in my book.There is no ‘natural strawberry flavor’ listed, they just list Strawberries grown in the Pacific Northwest.In fact the bottle says that this soda contains strawberry pulp, another plus.Wait a second; this drink has vitamins in it!40% of the Vitamin C you need in a day!If there is one way to get your score higher with this Jerk it’s to have me drink my vitamins in a soda (as long as it tastes good of course. I’m looking at you nasty tasting 7up Plus).The bottle art is simplistic, it reminds me of a children’s book about fruit.This is what a strawberry looks like kids, on a simple white background.Of course the Hot Lips logo is a lipstick kiss, but that’s pretty predictable in my opinion.We were able to procure this soda directly from the nice folks at Hot Lips... but don’t think that’s going to improve the score at all just because we were sent samples.Actually a lot of our sodas have been samples from companies, we just haven’t told you until now.

   Onto the tasting.Upon opening this you get a strong natural fruit sensation in the smell.Like one of those really awesome strawberry lemonades that has real strawberries in it... minus the lemonade smell of course.I’m now officially excited to try this, bottoms up.The first thing running through my head is that it doesn’t taste much like a soda.There is very little carbonation, but that could be due to the fact that the CO2 doesn’t stick very well to the ingredients listed above.I would also like a little more sweetness in this.It’s not tart like a strawberry, but it’s not all that sweet as well.It’s almost like I can taste too much of the organic lemon juice in it.This has a pretty good taste, but I just don’t feel like I’m drinking a soda.It feels more like strawberry juice, with a hint of lemon.My last run in with a drink like this was Fizzy Lizzy, but I’m happy to say that Hot Lips surpasses Ms. Lizzy in the flavor department.It’s a moderately refreshing drink, but nothing that I’d grab for on one of our 103 degree summer days.This is more of a solitary drink... something that you’d want to drink by itself so that you could enjoy the natural, but quiet, strawberry flavoring.All in all it’s a good soda, I’m sure there are non soda fans out there that would love this, but I just kinda like it.



Twist likes strawberries

(Note:  This beverage was provided to us by Hot Lips)

Romano's Sour Apple

   As you know my opinion on green apple flavored things isn’t a pleasant one.Fortunately Jones Soda Green Apple Soda helped me overcome that hatred, so I’ve decided to try other Green Apple flavored beverages.I hold in my hand a Romano’s Sour Apple beverage.I’m assuming (yes I know what assuming does) that Sour Apple, is just another way of saying Green Apple... since the green apple’s are the one’s that are sour.The color also tells me that this is a green apple based drink, so hopefully that phrase on assuming doesn’t come true.

   Here we go.First off I’d like to comment on how much I like the neon green color of this beverage.The smell coming out of this bottle is very much like Jolly Rancher Green Apple.I’m looking forward to this taste now, knowing that green apple flavor is abounds.Time to drink.WOW... this is some powerful stuff.Sadly, because of my previous assumption, ‘u’ and ‘me’ have both been made into asses.This is the sourest beverage I’ve ever had.It’s not “Warhead” sour, but it’s very sour when compared to other beverages.This is completely different then the Jones Soda, the amount of fizz is way higher in the Romano’s.Once it hits the back of my throat it burns... almost too much.I know in one of my recent reviews complained about not enough carbonation, and bite... but this one needs to tone it down a bit.Let me make sure you understand me.This beverage has a good taste, but the amount of sour, and fizz take away from it.As odd as it might sound though, I’m looking forward to more Romano’s beverages because of this experience.Now I know that Romano’s doesn’t mess around when it comes to flavoring, and mouth feel.So even though this might not get the best rating, know that I’m not normally a fan of green apple flavored things (as previously stated), and that I think those who truly like Sour Apple candy will love this beverage.



It was so different I forgot to snap a pic before I started drinking.

(Note:  This beverage was provided to us by Romano's)

Oogave Esteban's Cola

   I’m very excited to try this next soda, Esteban’s Cola by Oogave.Before I begin, here’s a little history on the naming of Esteban’s Cola straight from the maker himself.

“We did the sodas in our restaurant for about four months before someone came up and said "you need a name." Funny, it never occurred to us to name it. And we decided to name the rootbeer after me with a Spanish flare because of how difficult the rootbeer was to achieve. The citrus flavors.......pretty much made themselves, but when you get into savory flavors like rootbeer and cola, you are taking on a whole world of possibilities. Incidentally, the only reason the cola has my name is because "Cola" is so short a word it looked strange on the packaging.”

   There, don’t you feel smarter?By the way Oogave soda is also USDA Organic, and Kosher... I think that’s pretty much everything that we may have previously missed on the label.Bonus information, the caffeine used in Esteban’s Cola is from green tea leaves... ok less typing, more drinking.

   Here goes.First off it has a good cola smell. I know that probably sounds weird, but smell is a big part of your taste.Now I sound like a 2nd grade Science teacher.The first thing I notice is how smooth this cola is.There’s not a lot of carbonation, so it’s not really fizzy.I can’t really compare it to another well known cola, which is good on their part.Since you’re forcing my hand to compare it to something I’ve had before, it would have to be Health Cola.Stop wincing at the name Health Cola btw, if you read that review you’ll know it scored well.While Health Cola was also low on the carbonation scale, it tasted a bit flat.This does not.Just because something doesn’t have carbonation doesn’t make it “taste flat”.This cola tastes very fresh actually, and every time I drink it I taste the slightest bit of cherry.Now there are no cherries to be seen in this beverage, I’m just saying what I’m taste.

   Not that you really wanted to know this, but Esteban’s Cola produces very clean burps.No “wow that root beer tasted better the first time” moments to be had.While I haven’t had all of the Oogave products yet, this is my favorite to date.If I had to improve it in some magical way, I would add a little more carbonation.I like my drinks a little fizzier... fizzyer....fizzier?Anywho, if you see Esteban’s Cola just buy it.



Doesn't Twist look dapper in his black hat off to the side?

Oogave Grapefruit Soda

   Mike's review on Oogave Key Lime was so good that I decided to take the full plunge into Oogave, and get a flavor I normally wouldn't... grapefruit. Grapefruit soda's don't really appeal to me, so take that into consideration during this review. I don't think that Mike particularly likes them either, so I just went ahead and decided to review it.

   I will say that Oogave gets points instantly from me for having a different bottle cap for each beverage. I know that seems stupid and small, but I like it when people change up their bottle caps for different flavors, even if (in this case) it's just the color. My other favorite thing about this bottle is the tiny Esteban's Seal of Approval on the bottom right of the main logo. I'd love to have a shirt with that on it for some reason. That'd be on one side of the shirt, with the Oogave logo on the other... instant gold.

   Upon opening the bottle I take a whiff, and notice some solid citrus scent, almost orange, but not quite. I guess that's sort of what a grapefruit is most like though... sort of an orange. Wow... I can honestly tell you the flavor surprised me a lot. My feeling toward most grapefruit sodas is marred by the fact that they are usually sour/bitter much like a normal grapefruit. This soda has zero bitterness in it, making it good for even someone that would hate grapefruit.   Some might say "doesn't that mean if I love grapefruit, I'd hate the soda?"  Not necessarily, you'd have your grapefruit, the flavor would just be more subtle.  I would like for it to have a little more flavor though, as I have to search for it on occasion. There is little to no bite to this at all, as it's very smooth. It's also not overly carbonated, so those of you who don't like a lot of carbonation would enjoy this beverage. The more I drink, the more recognizable the grapefruit flavor becomes, which means I probably should have up-ended the bottle before enjoying. Still though, it's not an over powering flavor. Overall a good job by the people at Oogave.



Oogave Grapefruit, and Twist the Bottle Cap Iguana

Boylan's Root Beer

   You may remember when I last reviewed a Boylan's product, Boylan's Grape Soda.  Now whether or not you remember that, or just read it, you know I was disappointed by it.  This could have been because I hyped it up so much in my head that it couldn't live up to my expectations, or because it was just average... I really don't know which.  Either way I'vedecided to give the Boylan's brand another try with Boylan's Root Beer.  I won't really go into the bottle art like I normally do, it has the same classic style as always.  As with previous Boylan's brands they have a solid list of ingredients, and that is worth mentioning again.

Carbonated Water, Cane Sugar, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Caramel Color, Natural Yucca Extract, Citric Acid, and our old friend Sodium Benzoate which preserves the flavor.

  That stellar list of ingredients seems like it would go well into a root beer.Ok... with the first sip I can tell you it’s a good root beer, there’s no denying that.It’s not that clean of an after taste though.Honestly I think its’ a bit too creamy to have a clean aftertaste, but that’s ok.To use root beer that most people drink in comparison, this tastes like a Barqs/A&W mix.It has a bit of a bite, but the aftertaste is more A&W.Now I’m not saying that this beverage is of the same quality of the mainstream brands, far from it, I’m just giving you something to compare them too.If offered this root beer along side the mainstream brands, I would take this one every time.Boylan’s root beer has one odd aspect about it.When you place the bottle to your lips, as soon as you start to drink... for a flash of time it has the essence of a regular beer.Some of that burn that some beers have exists in the product, if not for just a brief moment.Now take that for what it’s worth as I rarely drink beer... I could just be crazy.Mike has tried Boylan’s root beer as well, but says it tastes a lot like birch beer.The root beer/birch beer argument is one that we’ve shelved in the “Can’t Talk About” warehouse, along side soccer ties, Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom, and pizza toppings.



Dry Soda Co. - Lavender Soda

  Today’s installment caught my eye while I was perusing the drinks at HEB.Lavender Soda.Now, when I think of lavender I think of bathroom spray, or hand soap, or something you plug into the wall to make the room smell good.All of those things deal with smell not taste.Oddly enough the reason I bought Lavender Soda is because I like the smell of Lavender, and I was hoping it would translate well into taste form.As I looked at the Lavender Soda I noticed that the flavors of Rhubarb, and Lemon Grass were sitting next to it.While rhubarb is an actual food, I figured that lavender was my best bet.

The packaging is very nice, simple, and pure.It’s a clear bottle with very few words on it, making the soda look very sophisticated.In fact the website tells you ideas of foods to pair with their sodas.Lavender Soda apparently goes well with - Mini Muscovy Duck Burgers with Sharp Cheddar, Caramelized Onions and Huckleberry Ketchup.The site also tells you how to prepare such a meal, which is very nice of them.I don’t cook that well, so fortunately they also say that it’s also ok to drink it with no pairing at all.This is a relief to me, but I’m still going to do half of the review with a pairing... corndogs.Most any soda should go well with corndogs, so we’ll give it a go.

Upon opening the bottle I notice no lavender smell, but once I put my nose to the top and strongly inhale I get a sense of it.It smells quite nice actually.My first impression of this is a flavored sparkling water.I guess that’s a fair assessment as it’s a clear liquid.I had a feeling the “Soda” labeling in it was pretty liberal, so no surprise there.While it says it’s sweetened with natural cane sugar, there can’t be much in there as it’s not sweet at all to me, if anything it’s a little bitter.Don’t be scared off with the phrase “a little bitter”, as I don’t like bitter things and I’m having no problem at all drinking this.It’s just not a sweet beverage, a lot like tame seltzer water.The lavender does not translate into taste I’m sad to say.If someone were to give me this in a cup, and told me to guess the flavor I’d say a berry, but I wouldn’t be able to guess one because of how lightly flavored it is.As a standalone beverage it’s ok, but not flavored enough for my liking.Now for the corndogs.

Mmmm all beef corndogs, nothing says America like Lavender Soda and corndogs.With a bite of corndog recently leaving the premise of my mouth, we’ll take a swig.Well the good news is that food takes away most of that slight seltzer taste, so I can see why they’d have food pairings.If I was given a choice of drinking it solo, or with a food, I’d have to say with food is the better way to go.Overall, it’s nice that a company tried to make a fancy soda, but to me this is still just flavored sparkling water.Which is fine as it meets our requirements of a non-alcoholic carbonated beverage, but still don’t put the word soda on it.In this day and age the word soda holds different connotations than it did back when “soda water” was used... respect that.



Hansen's Creamy Root Beer

Ok, so we've now done two higher end Root Beers back to back.  My choice was Hansen's Creamy Root Beer.  I picked it because in large print on the front of the can it says "NATURAL CANE SODA" as well as "With Real CANE SUGAR".  So obviously they are very proud of their ingredients.  Well since they're so proud of their ingredients let's take a look...


Well then, that's quite the impressive list of ingredients.  Let's give it a taste.  It's got a sharp beginning (or a bite) much like Barq's Root Beer, if you're a fan of that.  It doesn't foam up very much, which is a strike against it in my book.  I prefer my Root Beer to have some sort of head to it.  The ending taste is smooth, but not Virgil's smooth (nothing is Virgil's smooth as far as I've seen).  The bottom line is this is a good root beer... but in my opinion not worth the high cost unless you're just looking for an all natural root beer that's cheaper than Virgil's.

Purchased From: HEB

Cost: 6 pack will cost you around $4.50



Virgil's Special Edition Bavarian Nutmeg Root Beer

This is it... this is the current Holy Grail of Root Beer for me.  This is... Virgil's Special Edition Bavarian Nutmeg Root Beer.  This cost me $4.25 a bottle online to buy... but it had to be done.

The flavor does not disappoint.  It's got the greatness of Virgil's Root Beer, with a kick of nutmeg in it.  You know how some things say "Now with *ingredient*" but you can't taste it?  You can most definitely taste the nutmeg in this.

Another high point is the fact that the water used in this is from a well in Bavaria, considered one of the most pure sources of water in the world... that's freaking cool in my opinion.  Put all of this together in the best bottle I've ever seen anything in, and you have a winning combination.

I'm going to have to agree with Mike on this one though.



I’ve never officially reviewed Virgil’s Root Beer, pretty much because one of us would take care of one beverage at a time, however, being that it’s a new year of The Soda Jerks, this will be our first beverage that we both review.

First of all the bottle. I mean, look at it. This is obviously the real deal here. Can you believe I’m going to give points to a drink for being “fun to open?”

Secondly, the water. This soda is made with water from a well in Bavaria. Wow. I mean, really? Talk about fancy.

Whatever is in the water it’s got a very crisp taste, just like the original. I’d say the key difference between this and the original is the nutmeg. It kind of brings out the vanilla flavor most of all.

The other difference is the price. It’s about $5 a bottle. A bottle. As noted we’re moving on to store brand and discount sodas.

I’m scoring this the same as the original because the price balances out the slight advantages it has over the original.


Fizzy Lizzy - Yakima Valley Grape

Ok... in my ongoing search for an awesome grape soda, I think I may have found a strong contender. Fizzy Lizzy. First off, you gotta love the name. The packaging of Fizzy Lizzy is great. With such great quotes as "Fruit & Fizz With Body" or "No Gunk, No Junk, Pure Crisp Filtered" and my personal favorite "Gently SHAKE my hips, Before placing to your lips." This drink is flirting with me and I like it! The back of the bottle reads as such "51% fruit juice + 49% fizzy water. No added sugars" The ingredients are Triple Filtered Water, Concord grape juice concentrate, white grape juice concentrate, lemon juice concentrate, natural flavor, and vitamin C. I'm gonna take this moment to tell you how happy it makes me when a beverage is good for you. This includes 100% of the vitamin C you need in a day. It also has 29 grams of sugar, all from fruit juice. As I said before, I've hyped this up in my mind to potentially being the greatest grape soda ever. Let's you, and me, find out together.

It smells like grape juice, which I guess would be pretty obvious after reading the back of the bottle. Well I can't very well call it grape soda anymore because of the amount of juice. In a sentence it tastes like fizzy grape juice... which is exactly what it is. It seems to have a bit of a fermented taste as well, but nothing over powering. I like the crisp grape flavor that it leaves in my mouth. I like grape juice, but this doesn't leave that mucus feel that straight grape juice would. While the bottle pleased me greatly, the beverage is just above average. I can't criticize them though, they delivered exactly what they said they would. Fizzy water + Fruit Juice = Fizzy Lizzy.



Cricket Pomegranate Raspberry Enhanced with Green Tea

Mike enjoyed the Cricket Cola he had so much, and spoke of the Cricket brand so highly, I decided it was time for me to try it as well. I went with Cricket Pomegranate Raspberry Enhanced with Green Tea. The bottle design is great, I really enjoy the style Cricket uses in their products. The label also claims to be "All Natural", and I'm sure you know by now that usually equates to higher ratings in our book. The ingredients are as follows: Sparkling Filtered Water, Invert Cane Sugar, Brewed Green Tea Concentrate, Citric Acid, Natural Pomegranate Raspberry Flavor, and Fruit and Vegetable Juice for color.

That is a very impressive list of ingredients, it may not go to the ends of the earth like Virgil's Root beer, but it doesn't need to. Also on the bottle they make sure you see that there is an equivalent to two cups of Green Tea in each bottle. I personally have no hatred, nor fondness of green tea. It works in some situations, like we are about to see. In others it's a bit odd, like in Steaz Green Tea Root beer.

The mouth feel of this is very light, slightly bubbly, and just enough flavor. You can taste both the Pomegranate and Raspberry very easily. It tastes healthy, and I don't mean that in a V8 kind of way. It's so light, and has just the right mixture of fruit flavoring that it couldn't be bad for you. The green tea flavoring makes an appearance at the end of you drink, a bit strong for me, but still needed. Never does your mouth feel syrupy, which is nice. If I had to make any improvements on it, I'd probably move it a notch or two in a stronger flavor direction. The only problem with that is you begin testing the balance of flavor, and light mouth feel.



Health Cola

When I first eyed Health Cola on the shelves at my local market place I knew I was going to end up drinking it. I thought "Wow 'Health Cola' can it sound any worse." Then I looked on the back label and saw that it had 150% of the Vitamin C I needed in a day. Wow, this has gotta be like drinking mud. I had already been jaded by other "healthy cola's" such as Diet Coke Plus... which is horrible. Never in the history of earth does sweet + healthy = tasty. Diet Rootbeer is a perfect example as well, as it is a hell-spawned beverage. Health Cola looked like it would be following those examples perfectly. With its name, somewhat boring package, and boring tag line of "Real Cola Taste". Let me just get this out of the way now. I was wrong to judge it. I'm so very sorry Health Cola, I'm so very, very, very, sorry.

Health Cola has a pretty good taste, nay, a GREAT taste. If you are a fan of RC Cola in the slightest, just improve that flavor in your mind a bit, and remove some of the carbonation, and you have health cola. The sugar used is from fruit, so it has a slow burn which keeps the 'crash' after consumption from happening. The caffeine used is from coffee beans. Now listen to me coffee haters, I am one of you. I HATE coffee, and this tastes nothing like coffee, I wouldn't drink it if it did. This is the best all around cola I think I've had to date. Just for kicks, here's the nutrition label.


Usually when I buy a four pack of soda's it costs me over $5, but Health Cola ran under that, which is always a plus in my book. It's not the easiest cola to find, but if you can, give it a try. If I had to pick a negative, it's the lack of screw off cap, but really I don't care that much. I know there is better stuff out there, but I haven't tasted it yet.



(Note:  This beverage was provided to us by Health Cola)

Virgil's Root Beer

Video is from 8/12/2022. The original written review from 3/25/2008 is below.


Tastes so pure, it must be made in heaven.... oh how freaking true that is. I passed by Virgil's several times in my local shopping facility. Every time I passed it I would look and see the cost, close to $8 with tax. With your $8 you get 4 twelve oz bottles, and that to me is insane. It was so insane to me that I had to show my friend Mike. We took a look at the packaging and noticed that it had taken home the award for 'Outstanding Beverage' at the International Fancy Food and Confection Show in '94, '96, and '97. Outstanding Beverage, not outstanding Root Beer. Mike being the crazy dare devil that he is bought some.

We took it back to my apartment to enjoy it with some pizza, and a bad movie (Transformers, but I digress) so we threw em in the freezer to chill. Now you may wonder, "Hey, why not just throw some ice in a glass and pour it over that". You will never see me use ice when reviewing these drinks. I strongly believe that ice dilutes the true flavor of a drink, and would definitely be blasphemous in this case. While it was chilling we read the ingredients:

Virgil's Ingredients List

Virgil's Microbrewed Root Beer contains these key all-natural ingredients:

carbonated water

unbleached cane sugar

Along with these natural herbs and spices (including point of origin):

anise from Spain

licorice from France

vanilla (bourbon) from Madagascar

cinnamon from Ceylon

clove from Indonesia

wintergreen from China

sweet birch from the southern US

molasses from the US

nutmeg from Indonesia

pimento berry oil from Jamaica

balsam oil from Peru

cassia oil from China

Needless to say, that's a pretty impressive ingredient list. We were especially intrigued by the wintergreen. After the bottles had chilled I took mine out, opened it and sniffed it. The aroma was amazing. I know that sounds like something you'd hear about wine, but it really was the best Root Beer I'd ever had, and all I'd done was smell it. I took my first sip, it was the cleanest root beer I'd ever experienced. It doesn't leave a syrupy taste in your mouth, and the aftertaste is non-existent. In fact I compare the after taste to almost a mountain spring water... basically Virgil's is the most refreshing soda I've ever had, and the reason we started this site. I took a bite of pizza, pepperoni, and noticed that my palate was now permiated with pungent pepperoni. (I like alliterations, what can I say) I took a swig of Virgil's to see how it reacted with the taste, and it cleansed my palate... a root beer cleansed my palate... that is insane. Over all I highly recommend Virgil's root beer to anyone. Yes it costs $8 with tax included, and that's one reason it's kept from being a perfect beverage, but still go out and try it.

